ENTRY 5: Observation

Strategy: Observation

Sub skill: Grammar 

Age of the students: 6 years old

Topic: What do I have?

Suggested school supplies: pencil, pen, crayon, notebook, erase, and marker

Delivery mode: Synchronous in an online video call

Type of assessment: Summative

*This assessment should be completed in groups of four.

Performance indicators  

  • The student will use the correct grammar structure: "I have a..." to describe the object the teacher is holding.

  • The student will demonstrate understanding of the question "What do I have?"

  • The student will name the six school supplies the teacher holds successfully.

Description of the activity

The teacher will ask the four students, one at a time, "What do I have?" Students will reply by naming one of the six suggested words that the teacher is holding, and the teacher suggests students use the grammar structure “You have a….” First, the activity will be developed as a group; then he/she will call out a name, and the student the name of a school supply.  

Materials: Six school supplies, a device for video calls, and an online video call platform. 

Time: 25 minutes


  1. The teacher lets the students know they will attend a ten-minute video call and make groups of four.

  2. The teacher schedules a video call on Google Meet, Teams, Zoom, or any other platform and shares the link with the students. 

  3. The teacher allows the group of four to join the online session and greets them.

  4. The teacher suggests students turn on their cameras and pay attention to him/her.

  5. The teacher explains to the students that he/she will ask, “What do I have? and they must answer by using “You have a….” followed by the name of the object they are holding. 

  6. The teacher asks the whole group, “What do I have?” while holding an object, and the students should say, “You have a pencil.” 

  7. After a few rounds, the teacher repeats the same procedure by asking one student at a time, and the student names the school supplies that the teacher holds. 

  8. The teacher observes students’ performances and writes the names of the students who cannot follow instructions yet to provide feedback. 

  9. Finally, the teacher will thank the students for taking the oral assessment and give feedback if necessary.

Sample of the source

Strategy adapted from: 

  •  Robertson et. al (2016). Everybody Up Starter - Student’s book. Second edition. Unit 1, Lesson 2: School supplies, p. 6. Oxford University Press.

Image taken from: 

  • FatCamera from Getty Images Signature. (n.d). Teacher teaches her class through online learning. Free for Canva for Education. Retrieved March 24th, 2024, from Canva Photos. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAbnwKAmc/HyY0MufvFpJVCcF_UrD_qg/edit?utm_content=DAGAbnwKAmc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

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