ENTRY 1: Picture discussion

Strategy: Picture discussion

Macro skill: Speaking

Age of the students: 6 years old

Topic: My toys

Delivery mode: Synchronous in an online video call 

Type of assessment: Summative

*This assessment should be completed individually. 

Performance indicators  

  • The student will identify six toys that are in a picture-cued elicitation correctly. 

  • The student will answer questions related to six toys successfully.

Description of the activity

In this activity, the student will participate in an individual video call, and he or she will be asked to identify and answer some questions related to six toys from a digital picture that the teacher will present on full screen.

Materials: A picture, a device for video calls, and an online video call platform.

Time: 10 minutes per student


  1. The teacher lets the students know they will attend a ten-minute video call.

  2. The teacher schedules a video call on Google Meet, Teams, Zoom, or any other platform and shares the link with the students. 

  3. The teacher allows one student at a time to join the online session and greets him or her.

  4. Now, the teacher presents the full screen with the digital image, points to a toy, and starts asking the two questions below:

    1. What is it

    2. Is it a teddy bear?

  5. The student looks at the picture and listens to the questions the teacher asks about the picture.

  6. The teacher listens to the student’s responses and takes notes to provide feedback. 

  7. Finally, the teacher will thank the student for taking the oral assessment. 

Sample of the source

👉🏻 Click here to download or customize the image

Strategy adapted from:  

  • Pratamas, E, & Awaliyah. (2016). Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Speaking to Young Learners. Electric Journal of Uika Bogoor (Universitas Ibn Khaldun). pp- 19-31. [Original strategy “Picture describing” on page 24]. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/230810965.pdf

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