ENTRY 2: Demonstration

Strategy: Demonstration

Macro skill: Listening 

Age of the students: 6 years old

Topic: Simon Says 

Suggested actions: jump, shout Hurrah, touch your toes, stomp your feet, hop like a frog, slap your knees, fly like a plane, moo like a cow, and wiggle your fingers.

Type of assessment: Formative

Delivery mode: Synchronous in an online video call

*This assessment should be completed with the whole group. 


Performance indicators  

  • The student will recognize instructions preceded by the phrase “Simon Says” properly. 

  • The student will demonstrate understanding by performing the requested actions preceded by the phrase “Simon Says” successfully. 

Description of the activity

This activity will be developed as a group, and the teacher will explain to the students that he or she will play a YouTube video song; therefore, they must listen carefully and only perform the actions when they are preceded by the phrase "Simon says."

Materials: YouTube video, a device for video calls, and an online video call platform. 

Time: 15 minutes


  1. The teacher lets the students know they will attend a ten-minute video call.

  2. The teacher schedules a video call on Google Meet, Teams, Zoom, or any other platform and shares the link with the students. 

  3. The teacher allows the students to join the online session and greets them.

  4. The teacher suggests students turn on their cameras, stand up, and be ready to follow some instructions for a YouTube video. 

  5. The teacher starts explaining the rules of the "Simon Says" game to the students, and he/she tells them that should only perform the action when the Kiboomers say "Simon says" before stating the action. For example, if they say "Simon says, jump,” students should jump. 

  6. The teacher plays the YouTube video, and students perform the requested actions: jump, shout Hurrah, touch your toes, stomp your feet, hop like a frog, slap your knees, fly like a plane, moo like a cow, and wiggle your fingers.

  7. The teacher observes students’ performances and writes the names of the students who cannot follow instructions to provide feedback. 

  8. Finally, the teacher will thank the student for participating in the activity.

Sample of the source (YouTube video): 

Strategy taken from: 

  • Nissiping- Parry Sound. (2001). ASSESSMENT, EVALUATION, AND REPORTING IN KINDERGARTEN - A Guide to the Early and On-Going Identification Process and the Kindergarten Report Card. [Strategy “Demonstration” on page 7]. https://oafccd.com/documents/timiskaming/npscdsbKindergartenAssessment.pdf

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