ENTRY 4: Sound recognition


Strategy: Sound recognition

Sub skill: Phonics

Age of the students: 6 years old

Topic: Tell me a word that starts with the sound 

Suggested sounds: /æ/, /b/, /k/, and /d/

Possible Answers: apples, bananas, cat, dog

Delivery mode: Synchronous in an online video call

Type of assessment: Summative

*This assessment should be completed individually.

Performance indicators  

  • The student will identify the initial sounds of words correctly.

  • The student will produce a word that starts with the given sound properly.

Description of the activity

The teacher will slowly say a sound at a time, for example, /æ/, and the student must say a word that starts with that sound, such as "apples". Then the teacher repeats the process for the other three sounds /b/, /k/, and /d/ for students to reinforce the connection between sounds and words.

Materials: A device for video calls and an online video call platform.

Time: 10 minutes


  1. The teacher lets the students know they will attend a ten-minute video call.

  2. The teacher schedules a video call on Google Meet, Teams, Zoom, or any other platform and shares the link with the students. 

  3. The teacher allows one student at a time to join the online session and greets him or her.

  4. The teacher explains to the student this example, “I will say a sound, and you must say a word that starts with that sound”; for example, if I say /æ/, you can say “apples.”

  5. The teacher starts by pronouncing the sound /æ/ and waits for the student’s response; then he/she follows the same process for the other three sounds: /b/, /k/, and /d/.

  6. Finally, the teacher will thank the student for taking the phonics assessment and give feedback if necessary. 

Sample of the source: 

Strategy adapted from: 

  • Dot&line. (2023). How to Assess Phonics Skills in Students. [Original strategy “Letter sound recognition”]. https://dotandlinelearning.com/blog/phonics/how-to-assess-phonics-skills-in-students/#:~:text=The%20key%20word%20phonics%20assessment%20is%20a%20tool%20that%20measures,matches%20a%20particular%20key%20word

Image taken from: 

  • Pereira, D. (n.d). Girl at Home Receiving Online Class from Her Teacher. Free for Canva for Education. Retrieved March 24th, 2024, from Canva Photos. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAbYlFffc/ECDsxu73W4KCRR5Ua2fzwg/edit?utm_content=DAGAbYlFffc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

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